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Author Topic: Grateful Dead - where next?  (Read 1010995 times)
less Yes than I probably should do
Folkcorp Guru 3rd Dan
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« Reply #160 on: March 16, 2010, 04:21:52 PM »

The bonus discs tend to be in pretty limited numbers and tend to sell out pretty quickly (as they are generally only sold through Deadnet, although some suppliers like Spin will get in copies as well).  They often sell at quite a premium on eBay.

One doesn't need to restate the obvious by saying that as dodgy downloads (inc as FLACs), they are available all over the place of course....

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Mike Cole
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« Reply #161 on: March 16, 2010, 06:06:27 PM »

How do you professional Deadheads keep up?!?!   Shocked

That's easy, you take a deep breath, accept the fact that you are always going to be broke and wallow in denial Smiley

'Going to hell in a bucket but at least I'm enjoying the ride'

Failing that  - Steal
Pat Helms
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« Reply #162 on: March 17, 2010, 07:12:29 PM »

I know guys who never leave their homes.  All they do is download shows....or at least it seems that way.  Scary!  Every time I visit one of them, they load me down - I've got piles and piles of stuff that I've never listened to!  Sometimes I wonder if I ever will.  

I guess we've come a long way from the days of drawing pathetic Steal Your Face renderings on those Maxell UD-XL II S 90 tape covers, eh?  Wink    
« Last Edit: March 17, 2010, 07:34:49 PM by wileytown (pat) » Logged
blazzawazzada brortewtomay
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« Reply #163 on: March 18, 2010, 09:37:48 AM »

 Sorry if this has already been posted - but at least there are some nice photo's here and there for fans of G.D alumni...

The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion which stands at the cradle of true art and true science." Albert Einstein
less Yes than I probably should do
Folkcorp Guru 3rd Dan
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« Reply #164 on: March 18, 2010, 10:20:44 AM »

 Sorry if this has already been posted - but at least there are some nice photo's here and there for fans of G.D alumni...

Talking of which...Phil's Birthday show looks sweet.  Downloading now!  (20.10 - 02.00 - that's called getting value for your buck!)

Furthur & Friends
Phil Lesh's 70th Birthday Bash
Friday, March 12, 2010
Bill Graham Civic Auditorium
San Francisco, CA
A Benefit Concert for the Unbroken Chain Foundation
Proceeds to support Haitian Earthquake Relief

Source: Nakamichi 300 shotguns > Lunatec V3 > Sound Devices 744T

Transfer: 744T > Adobe Audition 1.5 > 24/88.2 to 16/44 > CDWave FLAC

Recorded by Pete Gilmore, Monkey Tunes
Transferred by Dawne and Pete Gilmore

Set 1 (8:10pm – 9:20pm)

Phil Lesh (on Ritter bass)
Bob Weir
John Kadlecik
Jeff Chimenti
Jay Lane
Sunshine Becker
Zoe Ellis
Steve Molitz
Jackie Greene
Chris Robinson

01 Ripple (BW)
02 Lazy River Road (JK)
03 Peggy-O (CR)
04 Two Souls in Communion (CR)
05 Brokedown Palace (JG)
06 A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall (BW)
07 They Love Each Other (CR)
08 Mountains of the Moon (PL)
09 Attics of My Life (All)

Set 2: (10:05pm – 11:40pm)

Phil Lesh (on Modulus bass)
Bob Weir
John Kadlecik
Jeff Chimenti
Joe Russo
Jay Lane
Sunshine Becker
Zoe Ellis
Jackie Greene
Chris Robinson

01 Scarlet Begonias (JG)
02 Minglewood Blues (BW)
03 Easy Wind (CR) >
04 New Speedway Boogie (JG)
05 Viola Lee Blues V1 (All) >
06 High Time (CR)
07 Caution Jam > Viola Lee Blues V2 (All) >
08 Hard To Handle (CR) > Viola Lee Blues V3 (All) >
09 Like A Rolling Stone (CR) >
10 Sugaree (CR)

Set 3: (12:10am – 2:00am)
Phil Lesh (on Modulus bass)
Bob Weir
John Kadlecik
Jeff Chimenti
Joe Russo
Sunshine Becker
Zoe Ellis
John Molo
Steve Molitz
Jackie Greene
Chris Robinson

01 Not Fade Away Jam (w/Parade of floats) >
02 Happy Birthday, Dear Phil! (w/Balloon drop) > Not Fade Away Jam
03 Playing in the Band (BW) > Jam >
04 St. Stephen (All) >
05 The Other One (BW) >
06 Elevator (SM lead jam) >
07 Unbroken Chain (PL)
08 Comes a Time (CR) >
09 Cream Puff War (CR) (w/two Go-Go dancers on stage) >
10 Franklin's Tower (PL, JG)
11 Donor Rap & Phil thanks the audience and band
12 Johnny B. Goode (BW)

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« Reply #165 on: March 22, 2010, 02:35:24 PM »

Good pics on furthur...Phil looks great, and that bass is crazy; noticed "I miss Jerry" on the amp, a defining reality for them all I would hazard...shall go listen to Aoxomoxoa, it's the one!
Jules Gray
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Folkcorp Guru 3rd Dan
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« Reply #166 on: March 22, 2010, 02:51:16 PM »

shall go listen to Aoxomoxoa, it's the one!

Now, now, don't start that one up all over again!   Roll Eyes


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the others knew nothing about spekkatacles

« Reply #167 on: March 22, 2010, 03:11:28 PM »

Yeah, thats my insidious, well, its spelled something like that, doing. My very public apologies to Mike and Cocker in particular, spoken from the mouth of a personal hell, in which I still firmly occupy my seat. But its all a bit of a larf, its only life after all, damn demanding flesh. My perception of Aoxomoxoa is merely in reference to their pre 70 output, it is the last one I would reach for, but not without its noted charms, at least 4 that are touchstones of a sort, I just feel to a one they were fleshed out better in live performance.
Quite envious of friends who were able to make it up to Angels Camp this weekend way up in the Sierras, I still remember the bewildered naked young man being taken away by authorities there in 87 with that look of what have I done wrong officer look on his face. Or the local couple who came home to find a couple Deadheads shaw nuff doin it in their pleasant bed. Or a pissed off Bill Graham riding around on his motorcycle and trying to dispatch order. Or being trapped amongst roughly 1000 "spinners" in the midst of their unseemly ritual ;)and wondering if I was having a heart attack as my medicine took hold. Or the skydivers coming down with the skull and lightning bolt flag at the beginning of the show. Carlos joinin in on a bunch of old chestnuts like Good Morning Little Schoolgirl and positively playing with a fire that had not been evident with that edition of Santana earlier, and Jerry flashing the old cheshire cat at him. Ahh, Deadheads, some of the funniest stuff I have ever witnessed.
And this weekend had electric HotTuna? Sure would like to see Jorma and Jack as a duo at Cropredy, should be effective.

"Be this gung or be this ho may glorious battle resurrect you"
less Yes than I probably should do
Folkcorp Guru 3rd Dan
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« Reply #168 on: March 22, 2010, 03:17:34 PM »

Sure would like to see Jorma and Jack as a duo at Cropredy, should be effective.

Whilst I'd love to see Tuna at Cropredy, I (sadly) think the acoustic version of the band (let alone the duo) would get lost in the field rather....  You need to hear Jack's bass (acoustic or otherwise) bouncing off enclosed walls  Smiley

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I'll grab my shield and rhythm stick
Folkcorp Guru
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the others knew nothing about spekkatacles

« Reply #169 on: March 22, 2010, 03:26:24 PM »

Sure would like to see Jorma and Jack as a duo at Cropredy, should be effective.

Whilst I'd love to see Tuna at Cropredy, I (sadly) think the acoustic version of the band (let alone the duo) would get lost in the field rather....  You need to hear Jack's bass (acoustic or otherwise) bouncing off enclosed walls  Smiley
Now that you mention that could be true, the most effective times I have seen Tuna, particularly as a duo, was indoors. I have seen them outdoors at a couple earlier Furthur fests and sure it was great, but not the very best, some of those Jack Jorma shows indoors were kind of close to sacred. Everyone seen this little chestnut from that Airplane tour of 89? Although the set lists were good, opening with Its No Secret I think into Crown of Creation the shows were so so, but Jack and Jorma in the middle of the show were just the ticket as I believe this little You Tube shows.

"Be this gung or be this ho may glorious battle resurrect you"
blazzawazzada brortewtomay
Folkcorp Guru 2nd Dan
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« Reply #170 on: March 22, 2010, 03:34:52 PM »

 Thankyou Raymond  Smiley

The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion which stands at the cradle of true art and true science." Albert Einstein
quodlibet (Ian)
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In nīz bogzarad

« Reply #171 on: March 22, 2010, 03:48:18 PM »

Indeed a splendid few minutes. Thanks Raymond.

I seem to remember HT being more than a bit good at the Stones Knebworth show in the mid 70s. In fact they were the band I enjoyed most that day.  Smiley

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Jules Gray
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Folkcorp Guru 3rd Dan
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What makes the buzzard buzz?

« Reply #172 on: March 22, 2010, 03:51:52 PM »

And on the Dead front, I've just ordered copies of Ladies & Gentlemen, and Steppin' Out.  Happy days!   Cheesy


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Mike Cole
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« Reply #173 on: March 22, 2010, 04:53:20 PM »

I make Raymond and David hit the nail on the head regarding (Acoustic) Hot Tuna performing at a large festival but a smaller one (SoL?) with a good 'country fair' vibe could be nice - Now that's what I call 'England's dreaming'
less Yes than I probably should do
Folkcorp Guru 3rd Dan
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« Reply #174 on: March 22, 2010, 04:57:30 PM »

I make Raymond and David hit the nail on the head regarding (Acoustic) Hot Tuna performing at a large festival but a smaller one (SoL?) with a good 'country fair' vibe could be nice - Now that's what I call 'England's dreaming'

If you can book Hot Tuna for SOL 2011, then there'll be 300 very happy hippies in a field in Kent next July  Grin

Nice clip of the '89 shows...nice to think something good came of that reunion 'cos the album is horrible....

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Mike Cole
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« Reply #175 on: March 22, 2010, 05:08:35 PM »

I wish
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« Reply #176 on: March 22, 2010, 05:20:04 PM »

shall go listen to Aoxomoxoa, it's the one!

Now, now, don't start that one up all over again!   Roll Eyes


Oops...controversy? Well, my declaration of love for that record isn't connected to any previous dance of the humble opinions...I've loved The Dead all my life, and as they become more idea than reality to me, that one's turned out to be the record that best triggers the feeling, with 'Wake' a close second.
quodlibet (Ian)
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Folkcorp Guru 2nd Dan
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In nīz bogzarad

« Reply #177 on: March 22, 2010, 05:23:54 PM »

And on the Dead front, I've just ordered copies of Ladies & Gentlemen, and Steppin' Out.  Happy days!   Cheesy


Good call. The Europe '72 shows occurred literally days before my Damascene conversion. Curses. In fact it was the Luxemburg show on the radio that did it for me.

However, the next tour in the UK in Sept '74, was rather good & some of the Ally Pally stuff appears on DP7, but in a chopped up fashion.

A Brittunculus is not such a bad thing to be.
GubGub (Al)
and that is where it gets a bit cheesy
Folkcorp Guru 3rd Dan
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« Reply #178 on: March 30, 2010, 03:57:44 PM »

Oh dear. Have just ordered this. Back at a sensible price.

That'll be the Easter break spoken for then!  Grin
Jules Gray
Go on, groove my truffles
Folkcorp Guru 3rd Dan
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What makes the buzzard buzz?

« Reply #179 on: March 30, 2010, 06:31:18 PM »

Oh dear. Have just ordered this. Back at a sensible price.

That'll be the Easter break spoken for then!  Grin

Heh heh heh.  Been listening to that all week, Gub.  It's a rockier road that the first one, but heck, it's a fun way to blow seventy quid.   Wink


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