Jules Gray
« Reply #1220 on: March 10, 2016, 10:40:27 AM » |
I think Richard Thompson highlighted this in an interview, and questioned whether there would be another Sgt Pepper or Dark Side of the Moon.
I doubt there can be under these circumstances. But maybe we're being misdirected by looking at great albums of the past. There are still plenty of intelligent and experimental musicians out there. I'm sure they will find ways of doing great work. I'm just doubtful we'll ever see mainstream success and artistic invention meeting in one and the same piece of work any time soon. Jules
Now be thankful for good things below
« Reply #1221 on: March 10, 2016, 11:20:26 AM » |
I'm sure they will find ways of doing great work. Sure, but there's a certain style of musical complexity that I don't think we'll see again, or only very rarely. That which comes from having both time *and* resources. We've been lucky to live in a golden age for recorded music. A few self funded amateurs may be able to produce complex music by slaving away for years for no returns, but they'll not make a living, and they won't have the benefit of having other professional ears contributing. Meanwhile the professionals will be too busy trying to make enough day to day to pay off mortgages and buy food to be able to take enough time off for the really special stuff.
Jules Gray
« Reply #1222 on: March 10, 2016, 12:02:53 PM » |
Sure, but there's a certain style of musical complexity that I don't think we'll see again, or only very rarely. That which comes from having both time *and* resources. We've been lucky to live in a golden age for recorded music. A few self funded amateurs may be able to produce complex music by slaving away for years for no returns, but they'll not make a living, and they won't have the benefit of having other professional ears contributing. Meanwhile the professionals will be too busy trying to make enough day to day to pay off mortgages and buy food to be able to take enough time off for the really special stuff.
Agree with all this. Jules
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barrY howarD
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« Reply #1223 on: March 11, 2016, 07:39:22 PM » |
RIP Keith Emerson, 71
Carl Palmer has just posted this on Facebook:
"I am deeply saddened to learn of the passing of my good friend and brother-in-music, Keith Emerson. Keith was a gentle soul whose love for music and passion for his performance as a keyboard player will remain unmatched for many years to come. He was a pioneer and an innovator whose musical genius touched all of us in the worlds of rock, classical and jazz. I will always remember his warm smile, good sense of humor, compelling showmanship, and dedication to his musical craft. I am very lucky to have known him and to have made the music we did, together. Rest in peace, Keith."
I had the pleasure of meeting Keith once - he was a quiet, warm and welcoming man. Another great leaves the stage,
Just because you believe something doesn't make it true.
Dan O.
« Reply #1224 on: March 11, 2016, 07:44:37 PM » |
RIP Keith Emerson, 71
Carl Palmer has just posted this on Facebook:
"I am deeply saddened to learn of the passing of my good friend and brother-in-music, Keith Emerson. Keith was a gentle soul whose love for music and passion for his performance as a keyboard player will remain unmatched for many years to come. He was a pioneer and an innovator whose musical genius touched all of us in the worlds of rock, classical and jazz. I will always remember his warm smile, good sense of humor, compelling showmanship, and dedication to his musical craft. I am very lucky to have known him and to have made the music we did, together. Rest in peace, Keith."
I had the pleasure of meeting Keith once - he was a quiet, warm and welcoming man. Another great leaves the stage,
Have just seen this - very sad news !
« Reply #1225 on: March 11, 2016, 07:47:59 PM » |
Oh my goodness. I'll check in a little bit but I'm not seeing a cause listed as of yet. RIP
I'm just a little shy of Surf's Up and I'm deeper than Twist and Shout....Iain Matthews
« Reply #1226 on: March 11, 2016, 08:40:43 PM » |
RIP Keith. Another of my mid/late teens musical heroes gone. 
Poor Will (Bill)
« Reply #1227 on: March 11, 2016, 10:20:40 PM » |
Looking like suicide.
In the words of the Zen Master " Don't just do something, sit there"
Bridgwit (Bridget)
« Reply #1228 on: March 11, 2016, 11:14:12 PM » |
Oh no  I was a huge ELP fan - still am - and Keith Emerson was my favourite keyboard player. This is very sad. I hope it's nothing sinister RIP Emmo
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Folkcorp Guru
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« Reply #1229 on: March 12, 2016, 03:30:13 AM » |
I have this thread on notifications, and apart from times of continued chat about recent losses, I usually cringe a bit when I get a notification. This was one of the horriblest for me.
He was one of my true teenage idols ... he was for me to the keyboard what Swarb was to the fiddle, and Jan Akkermann was to the guitar.
I'm not going to link cos it's late, but the growing musical press consensus seems to be suicide following depression linked to an injury/disability to his right hand.
I wish I still had my beloved ELP logo patch, and the T-shirt on which I lovingly painted the Tarkus armadillo...
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moontheloon (Bryan)
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« Reply #1230 on: March 12, 2016, 03:42:34 AM » |
This really is a lousy year so far. Rip Keith, another of the old guard departs the stage.
« Reply #1231 on: March 12, 2016, 08:02:05 AM » |
I have to admit that ELP weren't one of my favourite bands, but I also have to acknowledge that Keith Emerson was a brilliant musician - and, by all accounts, a thoroughly nice man. Very sad day, made more so by the fact that it looks like suicide.
If I had all the money I've spent on drink, I'd spend it on drink!
« Reply #1232 on: March 12, 2016, 09:37:26 AM » |
I have to admit that ELP weren't one of my favourite bands, but I also have to acknowledge that Keith Emerson was a brilliant musician - and, by all accounts, a thoroughly nice man.
This is where I am with this as well - never a great fan. It's so very sad. I can't help thinking of Wooly Woolstenholme, another keyboard man, who committed suicide some years ago. I loved BJH.
« Reply #1233 on: March 12, 2016, 12:15:33 PM » |
I have to admit that ELP weren't one of my favourite bands, but I also have to acknowledge that Keith Emerson was a brilliant musician - and, by all accounts, a thoroughly nice man.
This is where I am with this as well - never a great fan. It's so very sad. I can't help thinking of Wooly Woolstenholme, another keyboard man, who committed suicide some years ago. I loved BJH. And a third. But The Nice were feckin' ace.
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« Reply #1234 on: March 13, 2016, 12:02:28 PM » |
David B - Vocals Kieth E - Keyboards Lemmy - Bass Budgie - Drums Paul K - Guitar Maurice W - Bringing the Brass Sir George - Producer
... Supergroup made in heaven!
« Reply #1235 on: March 13, 2016, 12:47:24 PM » |
Seems to be a fair bit of gossip going around the net suggesting Emerson took his own life (gunshot?) because of some neurological issue? No doubt the truth will out...
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« Reply #1236 on: March 13, 2016, 01:02:02 PM » |
Seems to be a fair bit of gossip going around the net suggesting Emerson took his own life (gunshot?) because of some neurological issue? No doubt the truth will out...
The Guardian says he took his own life with a shotgun after experiencing problems with his hands, as I recall.
« Reply #1237 on: March 13, 2016, 02:14:56 PM » |
David B - Vocals Kieth E - Keyboards Lemmy - Bass Budgie - Drums Paul K - Guitar Maurice W - Bringing the Brass Sir George - Producer
... Supergroup made in heaven!
Budgie??? What's happened? I've not heard this nor can see anything. Has the erstwhile Mr Sioux died? Hope not, I can't find anything yet about him.
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Folkcorp Guru
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Loc: South God's Own Country
I am a rebel - whilst ever my wife will let me be!
« Reply #1238 on: March 13, 2016, 04:10:50 PM » |
... OK I admit it I was struggling to find a drummer.
« Reply #1239 on: March 13, 2016, 04:43:21 PM » |
He looked very alive a few weeks ago drumming for John Grant. In fact he looks about my age, which is a bit depressing. For me.
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