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Author Topic: RIP- musicians  (Read 2105094 times)
GubGub (Al)
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« Reply #1700 on: May 18, 2017, 10:02:43 AM »

Chris Cornell, former Soundgarden singer, has died aged 52 in Detroit. His death was described as “sudden and unexpected”.

Not a fan of Soundgarden particularly but I liked his Bond theme a lot and 52 is way too young.
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« Reply #1701 on: May 18, 2017, 11:38:04 AM »

Never heard Soundgarden, only heard of them.  Huh
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« Reply #1702 on: May 18, 2017, 11:53:23 AM »

Never heard Soundgarden, only heard of them.  Huh
Oh, I think you'll recognise Black Hole Sun.

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Jules Gray
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« Reply #1703 on: May 18, 2017, 01:12:31 PM »

Never heard Soundgarden, only heard of them.  Huh
Oh, I think you'll recognise Black Hole Sun.

I've never heard it before clicking on the link.  I've heard of them and him though.


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« Reply #1704 on: May 18, 2017, 06:38:17 PM »

Grunge was not my thing, either; I'm definitely too old for it.  I appreciate the craft and musicality of it, however, and he was far too young to go.   Sad
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« Reply #1705 on: May 18, 2017, 08:31:11 PM »

He killed himself according to the coroner. So sad. He had the best rock voice, only Mike Patton was a serious rival. The more I've listened to Chris over the years the more I've come to enjoy his singing, and music. Soundgarden were truly great, and for me they stood out even though it was (in my opinion) the best ever era for rock music.

R.I.P. Chris, thanks for the music.  Cry
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« Reply #1706 on: May 18, 2017, 11:13:12 PM »

At last night's gig they added Led Zep's 'In My Time of Dying' to the set.
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« Reply #1707 on: May 19, 2017, 01:05:21 AM »


this from the BBC news site
how terribly sad, part of my growing up as a biker/shoegazer/seattle grunge crusty..............


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Folkcorp Guru 2nd Dan
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« Reply #1708 on: May 19, 2017, 11:58:39 AM »

Never heard Soundgarden, only heard of them.  Huh
Oh, I think you'll recognise Black Hole Sun.

I've never heard it before clicking on the link.  I've heard of them and him though.


Likewise - I don't recognise that song. I suppose it shows how dominant Nirvana were on the Grunge scene as I was aware of other bands like Soundgarden and Pearl Jam but never actually heard any of their music. The only bands from that scene I got into, apart from Nirvana, were Screaming Trees after seeing them on Jools Holland's show and I took a chance on a Mudhoney LP without having actually heard any of the tracks on it. Those innocent pre-YouTube days!

But it's still sad to hear of Chris Cornell's death, especially as I was born in the same year as him.

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Jules Gray
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What makes the buzzard buzz?

« Reply #1709 on: May 19, 2017, 01:11:06 PM »

Likewise - I don't recognise that song. I suppose it shows how dominant Nirvana were on the Grunge scene as I was aware of other bands like Soundgarden and Pearl Jam but never actually heard any of their music.

I was into Nirvana, and then later got into Pearl Jam.  I always thought about checking out Soundgarden but just never got around to it.

I've been reading about Chris since the news broke, and how notable it is that he played a gig the evening before he killed himself.  And of course footage of the gig is all over YouTube and the news websites.  How strange that seems.  And how very sad.


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« Reply #1710 on: May 19, 2017, 01:12:29 PM »

So Sad. He had one of the greatest voices in rock. Even if you are not familiar with Soundgarden have a listen to some of his renditions of classics on youtube such as Nothing Compares, Thank You, Imagine, Redemption Song and particularly Billie Jean. Stunning!
GubGub (Al)
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« Reply #1711 on: May 19, 2017, 01:19:51 PM »

Likewise - I don't recognise that song. I suppose it shows how dominant Nirvana were on the Grunge scene as I was aware of other bands like Soundgarden and Pearl Jam but never actually heard any of their music.

I was into Nirvana, and then later got into Pearl Jam.  I always thought about checking out Soundgarden but just never got around to it.

I've been reading about Chris since the news broke, and how notable it is that he played a gig the evening before he killed himself.  And of course footage of the gig is all over YouTube and the news websites.  How strange that seems.  And how very sad.


Yes, and the fact that he was apparently sending out quite happy sounding tweets after the gig. There is something strange about it all. I wonder if he suffered from bipolar or something similar.
Bridgwit (Bridget)
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« Reply #1712 on: May 19, 2017, 01:33:38 PM »

Likewise - I don't recognise that song. I suppose it shows how dominant Nirvana were on the Grunge scene as I was aware of other bands like Soundgarden and Pearl Jam but never actually heard any of their music.

I was into Nirvana, and then later got into Pearl Jam.  I always thought about checking out Soundgarden but just never got around to it.

I've been reading about Chris since the news broke, and how notable it is that he played a gig the evening before he killed himself.  And of course footage of the gig is all over YouTube and the news websites.  How strange that seems.  And how very sad.


Yes, and the fact that he was apparently sending out quite happy sounding tweets after the gig. There is something strange about it all. I wonder if he suffered from bipolar or something similar.
It's possible he had already made the decision at that time. I've read that a kind of peace comes over someone when they finally and seriously decide to end it all.

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Jules Gray
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Folkcorp Guru 3rd Dan
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What makes the buzzard buzz?

« Reply #1713 on: May 19, 2017, 01:45:40 PM »

Yes, and the fact that he was apparently sending out quite happy sounding tweets after the gig.

Not so, I checked.


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GubGub (Al)
and that is where it gets a bit cheesy
Folkcorp Guru 3rd Dan
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« Reply #1714 on: May 19, 2017, 01:48:17 PM »

Yes, and the fact that he was apparently sending out quite happy sounding tweets after the gig.

Not so, I checked.


Misreported then. I don't do twitter so I wouldn't know.
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Folkcorp Guru 3rd Dan
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« Reply #1715 on: May 20, 2017, 12:01:49 PM »

Likewise - I don't recognise that song. I suppose it shows how dominant Nirvana were on the Grunge scene as I was aware of other bands like Soundgarden and Pearl Jam but never actually heard any of their music.

I was into Nirvana, and then later got into Pearl Jam.  I always thought about checking out Soundgarden but just never got around to it.

I've been reading about Chris since the news broke, and how notable it is that he played a gig the evening before he killed himself.  And of course footage of the gig is all over YouTube and the news websites.  How strange that seems.  And how very sad.


Yes, and the fact that he was apparently sending out quite happy sounding tweets after the gig. There is something strange about it all. I wonder if he suffered from bipolar or something similar.
It's possible he had already made the decision at that time. I've read that a kind of peace comes over someone when they finally and seriously decide to end it all.

Yes, I've heard that too. I once heard it in relation to Nick Drake. He seemed at ease, and things were going well.
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« Reply #1716 on: May 21, 2017, 12:39:20 AM »

His family are claiming this was accidental, so perhaps we can all hang fire until the inquest.

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Shane (Skirky)
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« Reply #1717 on: May 21, 2017, 10:07:37 AM »

His family are claiming this was accidental, so perhaps we can all hang fire until the inquest.

I'm not one to put words in your mouth, but is that the best phrase to use, given the circumstances?

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« Reply #1718 on: May 27, 2017, 09:23:57 PM »

RIP Gregg Allman, 69

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Folkcorp Guru 3rd Dan
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« Reply #1719 on: May 28, 2017, 11:38:15 AM »

Doesn't seem that long ago he was interviewed on Radio 4's Today programme.
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