« Reply #580 on: July 16, 2018, 09:01:37 AM » |
Ironically we left for the second night running into the main arena to hear the "headliner" delivering their version of the Specials "Monkey Man" (Dub Pistols then The Duelers)
It's a Toots and the Maytals song. The Specials did a cover version.
The Dude abides
Jim G
« Reply #581 on: July 16, 2018, 09:08:40 AM » |
Thanks Jim I stand corrected!
« Reply #582 on: July 16, 2018, 06:49:17 PM » |
Saw a great newish band the other night at a little venue in Queens. I've seen this name listed around town before but you know its hard to keep up. In any case, totally blown away by Jules & The Jinks. This woman has one of the rawest and strongest voices I have ever heard. The venue was sadly not as crowded as it could have been, but no matter. Seeing them do Zep's Ramble On with that voice....wowza! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_9L7TUz8lI
I'm just a little shy of Surf's Up and I'm deeper than Twist and Shout....Iain Matthews
« Reply #583 on: July 23, 2018, 06:25:30 AM » |
Danny Baker at Leeds Grand Theatre
Resuming where he left off last years tour, we hear about his years at the NME and his first forays into tv.
Started at 7.30 and came off stage at 11.35! (15 minute interval)
Absoluetly brilliant show!
« Reply #584 on: July 23, 2018, 07:23:44 AM » |
Danny Baker at Leeds Grand Theatre
Resuming where he left off last years tour, we hear about his years at the NME and his first forays into tv.
Started at 7.30 and came off stage at 11.35! (15 minute interval)
Absoluetly brilliant show!
He's turned into Ken Dodd 
Link to Bluesky (Twitter for normal people) profile by web button on left
GubGub (Al)
« Reply #585 on: July 23, 2018, 10:00:05 AM » |
Danny Baker at Leeds Grand Theatre
Resuming where he left off last years tour, we hear about his years at the NME and his first forays into tv.
Started at 7.30 and came off stage at 11.35! (15 minute interval)
Absoluetly brilliant show!
Ditto his show in Crawley on Friday night where he was joking about having to do his Saturday morning radio show from the stage of the theatre.
Money for
Folkcorp Guru
Posts: 779
Loc: South God's Own Country
I am a rebel - whilst ever my wife will let me be!
« Reply #586 on: July 23, 2018, 12:24:05 PM » |
Underneath The Stars this weekend, well organised friendly festival in it's new setting which worked admirably. Wide range of available foods including Leons.
I believe it's now in it's fourth and as it's only a 20 minute drive away I don't really why this was my first?
There's two stages the larger one seated with the other standing or sitting on the floor, bands play alternately between the two which means decanting yourselves between the two.
Because of the locality I didn't really go for the line-up and to be frank there was only Mr Earle, LAU, Kate, Uke Orchestre, Andy Kershaw and Martha Tilston that I'd heard of.
From what I saw (which admittedly wasn't that much because of the endurance of the single stage set-up);
The Excellent - Steve Earle and Kate Rusby (the best I've ever seen both ... and I've seen them frequently) a touching performance from Kate (Jason Manford joined her on stage) and Steve actually seemed to be enjoying himself but a bit bemused that people were dancing.
The Good - Grace Petrie (who I met later in the day and was extraordinarily nice), the Ukulele Orchestra of GB who seemed to have had some personnel changes since I last saw them but still very entertaining, I See River who seem to be a First Aid Kit tribute band although I don't know came along first, Andy Kershaw who tried frantically to fit his two hour show into one and Jack Rutter.
The Pleasant - Honeyfeet, Melrose Quartet (I would have preferred Kerr & Fagan solo), L - R, Howlin' Ric & The Rocketeers (who included someone who I used to work with in Leeds I think), Stables, Laura Cortese and the bloke from La Bottine Souriante.
The Ugly - Martha Tilston and John Metcalfe - the former was trippy dreamy idealistic (for which there is a place in the world) but dull, the later programmed at the wrong time (Saturday night at 8pm) but probably more pertinently at the wrong festival the music just didn't fit even Rosie Doonan looked to be embarrassed to part of it.
I heard good things of Amythyst Kiah but missed her as she was on at 10.50 on Sunday morning.
All my own views of course (just with a lot of brackets) and if you were there you may have seen it all very differently!
David V B
« Reply #587 on: July 23, 2018, 01:32:25 PM » |
Saturday night at Lytham festival. A great evening - Soul II Soul were good, only a couple of songs really but they are absolute belters. Bananarama did their hits for half an hour. I had forgotten that it was their amateurish style that made them endearing. They still have it. Like three friends grabbing the karaoke at a wedding - they were hav)no fun and so did we.
Top of the bill were Nile Rodgers & Chic. Mrs DVB said it was the best evening she had had in years and she wasn’t wrong. Probably the best party band I have ever seen. 100 minutes of pure joy. It is easy to forget just how many hits he has been involved in and we got loads of them. Great musicians and a great show. One of the coolest people in showbiz.
« Reply #588 on: July 23, 2018, 01:44:22 PM » |
A local Stones Roses tribute band (The Clone Roses) celebrated their 20 years of existence with a one day festival in St Helens, with various other Manchester indie tribute bands eg Happy Mondaze, The Smith Ltd, The Verve Experience, Oasish, True Order etc, with Clint Boon DJing inbetween sets. Good fun.
« Reply #589 on: July 23, 2018, 01:45:45 PM » |
Saturday night at Aldershot's West End Centre's Westival. Inside the centre, turfed floors, pyramid stage plus second stage (accoustic). Most of the artist were good, the ones I really liked were Thom Ashworth playing acoustic bass and singing trad and selfpenned (Tradish) songs. Cohen Braithwaite Kilcoyne, more trad this time but also expert(to my ears) squeezebox(3 different sizes). Peaness - an all girl three piece band, guitar, bass and drum, 80's indy to my ears, though what do i know about 80's indy. Finally False Lights who were loud, and a great finish to the evening.
O to 62 in sixtytwo years. Where does the time go?
« Reply #590 on: July 23, 2018, 04:54:31 PM » |
Saturday night at Aldershot's West End Centre's Westival. Inside the centre, turfed floors, pyramid stage plus second stage (accoustic). Most of the artist were good, the ones I really liked were Thom Ashworth playing acoustic bass and singing trad and selfpenned (Tradish) songs. Cohen Braithwaite Kilcoyne, more trad this time but also expert(to my ears) squeezebox(3 different sizes). Peaness - an all girl three piece band, guitar, bass and drum, 80's indy to my ears, though what do i know about 80's indy. Finally False Lights who were loud, and a great finish to the evening.
He's a force of nature, isn't he? I've got the solo album which is fab, but haven't actually seen him solo...'only' with Granny's Attic. Must rectify that sometime...
Link to Bluesky (Twitter for normal people) profile by web button on left
Ancient Muse (Andy)
As nature intended
Folkcorp Guru 2nd Dan
Posts: 1351
Loc: South Wales
Sometimes a redhead, always a natural blonde!
« Reply #591 on: July 24, 2018, 01:57:35 AM » |
Saturday night at Aldershot's West End Centre's Westival. Inside the centre, turfed floors, pyramid stage plus second stage (accoustic). Most of the artist were good, the ones I really liked were Thom Ashworth playing acoustic bass and singing trad and selfpenned (Tradish) songs. Cohen Braithwaite Kilcoyne, more trad this time but also expert(to my ears) squeezebox(3 different sizes). Peaness - an all girl three piece band, guitar, bass and drum, 80's indy to my ears, though what do i know about 80's indy. Finally False Lights who were loud, and a great finish to the evening.
He's a force of nature, isn't he? I've got the solo album which is fab, but haven't actually seen him solo...'only' with Granny's Attic. Must rectify that sometime... We saw Cohen at Fishguard in May with Granny's Attic and I was amazed at the big voice coming out of quite slight young man. I definitely want to see more of him!  I've got his album too. I wonder if he gives squeezebox lessons... 
Time flies like an arrow Fruit flies like a banana
« Reply #592 on: July 24, 2018, 06:30:49 AM » |
Saturday night at Aldershot's West End Centre's Westival. Inside the centre, turfed floors, pyramid stage plus second stage (accoustic). Most of the artist were good, the ones I really liked were Thom Ashworth playing acoustic bass and singing trad and selfpenned (Tradish) songs. Cohen Braithwaite Kilcoyne, more trad this time but also expert(to my ears) squeezebox(3 different sizes). Peaness - an all girl three piece band, guitar, bass and drum, 80's indy to my ears, though what do i know about 80's indy. Finally False Lights who were loud, and a great finish to the evening.
He's a force of nature, isn't he? I've got the solo album which is fab, but haven't actually seen him solo...'only' with Granny's Attic. Must rectify that sometime... we came away with the solo album and a Granny's attic one. I also bought downloads of the two Thom Ashworth ep's. We saw Cohen at Fishguard in May with Granny's Attic and I was amazed at the big voice coming out of quite slight young man. I definitely want to see more of him!  I've got his album too. I wonder if he gives squeezebox lessons... 
O to 62 in sixtytwo years. Where does the time go?
John From Austin
« Reply #593 on: July 25, 2018, 09:28:11 PM » |
Paul Rodgers/Jeff Beck/Ann Wilson/Deborah Bonham "Stars Align 2018" at the Smart Financial Centre in Sugar Land, Texas, last night. Here's a very brief review and photos from the Houston Chronicle: https://www.chron.com/entertainment/music/article/Ann-Wilson-Jeff-Beck-and-Paul-Rodgers-rock-out-13103846.php There's not much meat there, but the staff photographer picked me up in the background of Image 24 in the slideshow, with a mouthful of hamburger. Nice. Debbie Bonham was a surprise - I didn't know anything about her, or that she would be opening the show. She was fantastic, but only sang about 5 songs. Ann Wilson opened with "The Real Me," closed with "Won't Get Fooled Again," and played a choice set of covers in between with only one Heart song, the obligatory "Barracuda." She's a force of nature. Jeff Beck was his usual self, which I happen to like. His secret weapons were his cellist, Vanessa Freebairn-Smith, and his vocalist, Jimmy Hall. Terrific stuff. Finally, Paul Rodgers played half Bad Company and half Free songs. As I mentioned here previously, I feared the audience wouldn't know the Free material. I was right. Except for the two gray-haired gents in front of me, who sang along with every word, the audience seemed mystified by the Free songs. Paul commented on this more than once, and finally announced he was dropping a Free song so they could go straight to "Shooting Star" and get everyone back on their feet. He's such a great singer and performer, and I would pay money to hear him sing the phone book.
Bridgwit (Bridget)
« Reply #594 on: July 26, 2018, 09:48:34 AM » |
Paul Rodgers/Jeff Beck/Ann Wilson/Deborah Bonham "Stars Align 2018" at the Smart Financial Centre in Sugar Land, Texas, last night. Here's a very brief review and photos from the Houston Chronicle: https://www.chron.com/entertainment/music/article/Ann-Wilson-Jeff-Beck-and-Paul-Rodgers-rock-out-13103846.php There's not much meat there, but the staff photographer picked me up in the background of Image 24 in the slideshow, with a mouthful of hamburger. Nice. Debbie Bonham was a surprise - I didn't know anything about her, or that she would be opening the show. She was fantastic, but only sang about 5 songs. Ann Wilson opened with "The Real Me," closed with "Won't Get Fooled Again," and played a choice set of covers in between with only one Heart song, the obligatory "Barracuda." She's a force of nature. Jeff Beck was his usual self, which I happen to like. His secret weapons were his cellist, Vanessa Freebairn-Smith, and his vocalist, Jimmy Hall. Terrific stuff. Finally, Paul Rodgers played half Bad Company and half Free songs. As I mentioned here previously, I feared the audience wouldn't know the Free material. I was right. Except for the two gray-haired gents in front of me, who sang along with every word, the audience seemed mystified by the Free songs. Paul commented on this more than once, and finally announced he was dropping a Free song so they could go straight to "Shooting Star" and get everyone back on their feet. He's such a great singer and performer, and I would pay money to hear him sing the phone book. I would have loved this show! I wonder if they'll bring it to the UK...
Never look down on anyone Unless you're helping them up
« Reply #595 on: July 26, 2018, 11:00:04 AM » |
Paul Rodgers/Jeff Beck/Ann Wilson/Deborah Bonham "Stars Align 2018" at the Smart Financial Centre in Sugar Land, Texas, last night. Here's a very brief review and photos from the Houston Chronicle: https://www.chron.com/entertainment/music/article/Ann-Wilson-Jeff-Beck-and-Paul-Rodgers-rock-out-13103846.php There's not much meat there, but the staff photographer picked me up in the background of Image 24 in the slideshow, with a mouthful of hamburger. Nice. Debbie Bonham was a surprise - I didn't know anything about her, or that she would be opening the show. She was fantastic, but only sang about 5 songs. Ann Wilson opened with "The Real Me," closed with "Won't Get Fooled Again," and played a choice set of covers in between with only one Heart song, the obligatory "Barracuda." She's a force of nature. Jeff Beck was his usual self, which I happen to like. His secret weapons were his cellist, Vanessa Freebairn-Smith, and his vocalist, Jimmy Hall. Terrific stuff. Finally, Paul Rodgers played half Bad Company and half Free songs. As I mentioned here previously, I feared the audience wouldn't know the Free material. I was right. Except for the two gray-haired gents in front of me, who sang along with every word, the audience seemed mystified by the Free songs. Paul commented on this more than once, and finally announced he was dropping a Free song so they could go straight to "Shooting Star" and get everyone back on their feet. He's such a great singer and performer, and I would pay money to hear him sing the phone book. I would have loved this show! I wonder if they'll bring it to the UK... I was thinking exactly the same!
They broke my heart and they killed me, but I didn't die. They tried to bury me, they didn't realise I was a seed.
« Reply #596 on: July 26, 2018, 11:08:07 AM » |
Paul Rodgers/Jeff Beck/Ann Wilson/Deborah Bonham "Stars Align 2018" at the Smart Financial Centre in Sugar Land, Texas, last night. Here's a very brief review and photos from the Houston Chronicle: https://www.chron.com/entertainment/music/article/Ann-Wilson-Jeff-Beck-and-Paul-Rodgers-rock-out-13103846.php There's not much meat there, but the staff photographer picked me up in the background of Image 24 in the slideshow, with a mouthful of hamburger. Nice. Debbie Bonham was a surprise - I didn't know anything about her, or that she would be opening the show. She was fantastic, but only sang about 5 songs. Ann Wilson opened with "The Real Me," closed with "Won't Get Fooled Again," and played a choice set of covers in between with only one Heart song, the obligatory "Barracuda." She's a force of nature. Jeff Beck was his usual self, which I happen to like. His secret weapons were his cellist, Vanessa Freebairn-Smith, and his vocalist, Jimmy Hall. Terrific stuff. Finally, Paul Rodgers played half Bad Company and half Free songs. As I mentioned here previously, I feared the audience wouldn't know the Free material. I was right. Except for the two gray-haired gents in front of me, who sang along with every word, the audience seemed mystified by the Free songs. Paul commented on this more than once, and finally announced he was dropping a Free song so they could go straight to "Shooting Star" and get everyone back on their feet. He's such a great singer and performer, and I would pay money to hear him sing the phone book. I would have loved this show! I wonder if they'll bring it to the UK... I was thinking exactly the same! I'll ask the PR man 
« Reply #597 on: July 26, 2018, 12:04:52 PM » |
Paul Rodgers/Jeff Beck/Ann Wilson/Deborah Bonham "Stars Align 2018" at the Smart Financial Centre in Sugar Land, Texas, last night. Here's a very brief review and photos from the Houston Chronicle: https://www.chron.com/entertainment/music/article/Ann-Wilson-Jeff-Beck-and-Paul-Rodgers-rock-out-13103846.php There's not much meat there, but the staff photographer picked me up in the background of Image 24 in the slideshow, with a mouthful of hamburger. Nice. Debbie Bonham was a surprise - I didn't know anything about her, or that she would be opening the show. She was fantastic, but only sang about 5 songs. Ann Wilson opened with "The Real Me," closed with "Won't Get Fooled Again," and played a choice set of covers in between with only one Heart song, the obligatory "Barracuda." She's a force of nature. Jeff Beck was his usual self, which I happen to like. His secret weapons were his cellist, Vanessa Freebairn-Smith, and his vocalist, Jimmy Hall. Terrific stuff. Finally, Paul Rodgers played half Bad Company and half Free songs. As I mentioned here previously, I feared the audience wouldn't know the Free material. I was right. Except for the two gray-haired gents in front of me, who sang along with every word, the audience seemed mystified by the Free songs. Paul commented on this more than once, and finally announced he was dropping a Free song so they could go straight to "Shooting Star" and get everyone back on their feet. He's such a great singer and performer, and I would pay money to hear him sing the phone book. I would have loved this show! I wonder if they'll bring it to the UK... I was thinking exactly the same! I'll ask the PR man  Tenacity PR tell me that Paul Rodgers tour played the UK last April with Deborah Bonham as support, and he has no knowledge of their future plans... 
Bridgwit (Bridget)
« Reply #598 on: July 26, 2018, 12:44:16 PM » |
Paul Rodgers/Jeff Beck/Ann Wilson/Deborah Bonham "Stars Align 2018" at the Smart Financial Centre in Sugar Land, Texas, last night. Here's a very brief review and photos from the Houston Chronicle: https://www.chron.com/entertainment/music/article/Ann-Wilson-Jeff-Beck-and-Paul-Rodgers-rock-out-13103846.php There's not much meat there, but the staff photographer picked me up in the background of Image 24 in the slideshow, with a mouthful of hamburger. Nice. Debbie Bonham was a surprise - I didn't know anything about her, or that she would be opening the show. She was fantastic, but only sang about 5 songs. Ann Wilson opened with "The Real Me," closed with "Won't Get Fooled Again," and played a choice set of covers in between with only one Heart song, the obligatory "Barracuda." She's a force of nature. Jeff Beck was his usual self, which I happen to like. His secret weapons were his cellist, Vanessa Freebairn-Smith, and his vocalist, Jimmy Hall. Terrific stuff. Finally, Paul Rodgers played half Bad Company and half Free songs. As I mentioned here previously, I feared the audience wouldn't know the Free material. I was right. Except for the two gray-haired gents in front of me, who sang along with every word, the audience seemed mystified by the Free songs. Paul commented on this more than once, and finally announced he was dropping a Free song so they could go straight to "Shooting Star" and get everyone back on their feet. He's such a great singer and performer, and I would pay money to hear him sing the phone book. I would have loved this show! I wonder if they'll bring it to the UK... I was thinking exactly the same! I'll ask the PR man  The "Paul Rogers" man  ? Wow  I should follow more people on FB/Twitter.... it's the best way to find out about proposed tours IMHO
Never look down on anyone Unless you're helping them up
« Reply #599 on: July 26, 2018, 12:51:39 PM » |
yes I should have checked my spelling on 'Rogers'! 