« Reply #1320 on: May 08, 2016, 02:35:22 PM » |
Isao Tomita, synth wizard, last week apparently.
quodlibet (Ian)
Squeeze it, Eliseao
Folkcorp Guru 2nd Dan
Posts: 1293
Loc: Hereford. UK
In nīz bogzarad
« Reply #1321 on: May 08, 2016, 05:04:39 PM » |
Isao Tomita, synth wizard, last week apparently.
Oh dear. I still enjoy his Debussy & Mussorgsky interpretations, beyond that, I'm not familiar with very much of his work. RIP.
A Brittunculus is not such a bad thing to be.
barrY howarD
Global Moderator
Posts: 2985
Loc: Sidcup, Kent
The best and oldest furniture cannot be rearranged
« Reply #1322 on: May 08, 2016, 05:42:54 PM » |
Just because you believe something doesn't make it true.
« Reply #1323 on: May 09, 2016, 11:50:29 AM » |
Oh gosh no,. I remember Snowflakes are Dancing from way back when . . .
Andy Tuck
A creme egg moment
Folkcorp Guru 2nd Dan
Posts: 1545
Loc: Leicester
Dolphins are Evil They Eat Kittens...
« Reply #1324 on: May 09, 2016, 11:46:32 PM » |
Been playing his version of the Planets in the car today.
Still listening to the telepathic pirate radio show from the flying teapot.....
Ancient Muse (Andy)
As nature intended
Folkcorp Guru 2nd Dan
Posts: 1351
Loc: South Wales
Sometimes a redhead, always a natural blonde!
« Reply #1325 on: May 12, 2016, 02:27:36 AM » |
Blimey, Phil's got most of his albums and we hardy ever play them (all on cassette or 12"ex-library vinyl). Really liked that sort of thing back in the 80s.
Time flies like an arrow Fruit flies like a banana
Shane (Skirky)
« Reply #1326 on: May 17, 2016, 02:49:31 PM » |
Everyone's from somewhere, baby - might as well be here.
Henry Tompkins (Pete)
« Reply #1327 on: May 17, 2016, 02:51:44 PM » |
Really sad to read just now that Guy Clark the Texas singer songwriter had died. I've enjoyed his music right back to his first album in the very early 70's.
No Left Turn Unstoned
GubGub (Al)
« Reply #1328 on: May 17, 2016, 02:56:45 PM » |
Another tough one to take. Great songwriter who should be universally known for Desperados Waiting For A Train at the very least. I will give Old No 1 a spin tonight.
« Reply #1329 on: May 17, 2016, 05:59:18 PM » |
Having just bought the 40th Anniversary Edition of Heartworn Highways and reigniting my interest particularly in Guy Clarks music this is a devastating blow. A great songwriter, I will popping the dvd on tonight. Such sad news.
"I'm only a bag of Rags in an Overall"
« Reply #1330 on: May 17, 2016, 06:24:22 PM » |
Not sure if this has been mentioned already. I think I just read an obituary for Steve Young a week or two ago but it seems he passed away back in March. He was best known for the song 'Seven Bridges Road' which the Eagles covered though I'm more familiar with Dolly Parton's version which she included on her bluegrass album Little Sparrow. Great harmonies on both versions. http://
Jules Gray
« Reply #1331 on: May 17, 2016, 07:28:01 PM » |
Sad to hear about both of those guys passing. I have a Steve Young recording of a's actually at the beginning of a Van Dyke Parks album (Song Cycle). I liked what I heard and always meant to check him out properly.
Guy Clark wasn't my personal cup of tea, but I know a few folks who adored that Old No. 1 album.
Now be thankful for good things below
John From Austin
« Reply #1332 on: May 18, 2016, 06:40:34 PM » |
Guy Clark was inducted into the Austin City Limits hall of fame last fall. We were at the ceremony and he was on the bill, but he wound up hospitalized that afternoon. Very sorry I never got to see him; he was a regular around this town for decades. RIP
John From Austin
« Reply #1333 on: May 18, 2016, 06:42:46 PM » |
Not sure if this has been mentioned already. I think I just read an obituary for Steve Young a week or two ago but it seems he passed away back in March. He was best known for the song 'Seven Bridges Road' which the Eagles covered though I'm more familiar with Dolly Parton's version which she included on her bluegrass album Little Sparrow. Great harmonies on both versions. http://'m partial to Iain Matthews' version
« Reply #1334 on: May 18, 2016, 07:08:28 PM » |
Not sure if this has been mentioned already. I think I just read an obituary for Steve Young a week or two ago but it seems he passed away back in March. He was best known for the song 'Seven Bridges Road' which the Eagles covered though I'm more familiar with Dolly Parton's version which she included on her bluegrass album Little Sparrow. Great harmonies on both versions. http://'m partial to Iain Matthews' version I might have this wrong, but in the Eagles best of 2 disc set from a few years ago, I believe they mentioned that they (the Eagles) heard the song from Iain Matthews!
I'm just a little shy of Surf's Up and I'm deeper than Twist and Shout....Iain Matthews
« Reply #1335 on: May 22, 2016, 02:22:22 PM » |
Link to Bluesky (Twitter for normal people) profile by web button on left
Dan O.
« Reply #1336 on: May 22, 2016, 06:53:28 PM » |
Sad news - drummer on Rust In Peace, arguably Megadeth's finest album...
Cool Cat
Full Member
Posts: 55
« Reply #1337 on: June 04, 2016, 09:36:38 AM » |
Dave Swarbrick RIP :-(
Paul B
« Reply #1339 on: June 14, 2016, 01:39:06 PM » |
"Dark End of the street" mentioned in 'listening to'and then news that it's co -author, Chips Moman, dies. Great producer and song writer.