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Author Topic: Fairport-related Youtube Clips  (Read 1413787 times)
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« Reply #1380 on: January 27, 2018, 07:40:02 AM »

Andy Fairweather Low from 1975 with I think DM on drums.
I'd forgotten all about this AFL song. Brilliant - thanks for sharing

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« Reply #1381 on: January 27, 2018, 09:30:46 AM »

Yep, DM, Blue Weaver organ, John David I think on bass, is that Bj Cole on pedal Steel? I saw that lineup at one of their first warmup gigs in a function room behind a pub/hotel near St Asaph in N Wales. No idea of the ladies names, I'm afraid.

That's Rabbit on keyboards not Blue Weaver.

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« Reply #1382 on: February 02, 2018, 05:14:18 AM »

Oh dear...

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« Reply #1383 on: February 02, 2018, 07:45:16 AM »


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« Reply #1384 on: February 02, 2018, 07:52:18 AM »

And we wonder why folk rock was considered a bit naff  Fez
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« Reply #1385 on: February 02, 2018, 08:03:26 AM »

That is truly hideous.  Weird 'cos I first saw that lineup of the Albion Band around then and remember it as truly awesome.

Don't be too harsh on Cathy.  She did some great stuff with Fairport (and even with the Albions) in some dark days.  But, er, yeah...

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« Reply #1386 on: February 02, 2018, 08:38:51 AM »

Hilarious. Lighten up, dudes.  Grin

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« Reply #1387 on: February 02, 2018, 09:03:06 AM »

1983. Says it all, really.

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« Reply #1388 on: February 02, 2018, 09:05:16 AM »

It is hilarious - can't imagine how Simon Nicol kept a straight face!  Presumably they were miming, so Ashley thought he'd do something a bit different, like when Fairport did Si Tu Dois Partir on Top of the Pops and he was bowing a double bass with a baguette!

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« Reply #1389 on: February 02, 2018, 09:45:22 AM »

That was horrible. The supermario brothers thing, Ashley should sue Nintendo.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2018, 10:09:46 AM by Jim » Logged

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« Reply #1390 on: February 02, 2018, 10:36:18 AM »

According to Google, there is a wise old saying 'Life is like a train station'. Never heard it myself and I am a railway enthusiast! It must be American to call a railway station a train station Angry

As this 'song' is credited to Ashley and Dave Whetstone, it sounds likely that the ever researching Ashley had picked up on it and decided to make a mockery of it. Trouble is, as you all say, it made a mockery of them Grin

David W
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« Reply #1391 on: February 02, 2018, 10:57:33 AM »

According to Google, there is a wise old saying 'Life is like a train station'. Never heard it myself and I am a railway enthusiast! It must be American to call a railway station a train station Angry

As this 'song' is credited to Ashley and Dave Whetstone, it sounds likely that the ever researching Ashley had picked up on it and decided to make a mockery of it. Trouble is, as you all say, it made a mockery of them Grin

What is the full lineup?
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« Reply #1392 on: February 02, 2018, 11:36:26 AM »

According to Google, there is a wise old saying 'Life is like a train station'. Never heard it myself and I am a railway enthusiast! It must be American to call a railway station a train station Angry

As this 'song' is credited to Ashley and Dave Whetstone, it sounds likely that the ever researching Ashley had picked up on it and decided to make a mockery of it. Trouble is, as you all say, it made a mockery of them Grin

What is the full lineup?

Ashley, Jean Pierre Rasle, Cathy leSurf, DM, Dave Whetstone and Simon.

Thanks for posting this RoberD, it's hilarious Smiley Simon might have been able to keep a straight face, but DM clearly can't!
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« Reply #1393 on: February 02, 2018, 11:57:00 AM »

It would be my guess it was all a deliberate thing. Oh you want us to mime...we’ll give you some miming! Yes we do call them ‘train stations’ rather than railway stations. One place that some incorrectly refer to as a station is the fabulous Grand Central, which is properly a Terminal. ‘Railway as a word is usually reserved for repair crews, as in there are railway workers fixing a crossing sorr of thing.

Join me again tomorrow when I will discuss the Panama Canal, the Battle of Fort Ticonderoga, and my dissertation on the life of General Custer  Grin

I'm just a little shy of Surf's Up and I'm deeper than Twist and Shout....Iain Matthews
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« Reply #1394 on: February 02, 2018, 12:11:47 PM »

It would be my guess it was all a deliberate thing. Oh you want us to mime...we’ll give you some miming!

You can bet it was Ashley's idea. He doesn't strike me as the sort of person who would be bullied into doing something against his will.
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« Reply #1395 on: February 02, 2018, 12:22:33 PM »

They were miming Huh

Supremely bad timing posting this....I've just been listening to Ashley's Guv'nor series for the first time since I bought them, with a view to condensing them down minus all the Fairport and other tracks that I have elsewhere, so that I might burn myself a collection that I listen to more often.
Hearing the splendid live rendition of the Rose and the Rock on volume 2, I pondered on the Non LeSurf Pas type gap in my Albion band stuff, and started thinking maybe I should explore that a bit.
Maybe not then.

Well I never did..
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« Reply #1396 on: February 02, 2018, 12:27:18 PM »

They were miming Huh

Supremely bad timing posting this....I've just been listening to Ashley's Guv'nor series for the first time since I bought them, with a view to condensing them down minus all the Fairport and other tracks that I have elsewhere, so that I might burn myself a collection that I listen to more often.
Hearing the splendid live rendition of the Rose and the Rock on volume 2, I pondered on the Non LeSurf Pas type gap in my Albion band stuff, and started thinking maybe I should explore that a bit.
Maybe not then.

You'd miss a lot of decent stuff.  Don't be put off by this.  It is what is is (awful), but it wasn't all like that at all...

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bassline (Mike)
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« Reply #1397 on: February 02, 2018, 12:37:34 PM »

I'll give the rest of the Guv'nor series a listen.
That version of The Rose and the Rock is great. Is Stella Marris a good one to go for ?
Actually, there was a thread about all this, now I think about it.

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« Reply #1398 on: February 02, 2018, 12:41:19 PM »

They were miming Huh

Supremely bad timing posting this....I've just been listening to Ashley's Guv'nor series for the first time since I bought them, with a view to condensing them down minus all the Fairport and other tracks that I have elsewhere, so that I might burn myself a collection that I listen to more often.
Hearing the splendid live rendition of the Rose and the Rock on volume 2, I pondered on the Non LeSurf Pas type gap in my Albion band stuff, and started thinking maybe I should explore that a bit.
Maybe not then.

You'd miss a lot of decent stuff.  Don't be put off by this.  It is what is is (awful), but it wasn't all like that at all...

Agreed, this is just a bit of fun by the look of it. If you like The Rose and The Rock then there is definitely more you'll like from this era of the Albions. Under The Rose and Stella Maris are both on Spotify.
bassline (Mike)
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« Reply #1399 on: February 02, 2018, 01:03:03 PM »

Cheers - I'll give 'em a listen.  Smiley

Well I never did..
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