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Author Topic: Fairport-related Youtube Clips  (Read 1416274 times)
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« Reply #700 on: November 07, 2010, 12:18:43 PM »

She sounds like Elvis.. Thank You,Thank You Very Much..

City lights don't shine,they glare
and your music doesn't speak,it swears
and in your streets,the ghosts have forgotten why they're there

Lindisfarne-City Song
H (Heather Smith)
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« Reply #701 on: November 09, 2010, 12:13:10 PM »

Canny Capers at Bosworth 2005 - novelty value of seeing Vo Fletcher on mandolin, standing in for an absent Peggy.

There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes
bassline (Mike)
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« Reply #702 on: November 09, 2010, 03:33:55 PM »

Thanks H Smiley - although a little upsetting to find there's another swine in the way of my dream job Sad .

Well I never did..
Ewen the Navigator
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« Reply #703 on: November 09, 2010, 04:02:41 PM »

Before anyone else mentions it, I missed it too Angry  By about half a mile Grin

I could be the catalyst that sparks the revolution, I could be an inmate in a long-term institution ...
quodlibet (Ian)
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In nīz bogzarad

« Reply #704 on: November 09, 2010, 04:08:54 PM »

Before anyone else mentions it, I missed it too Angry  By about half a mile Grin

Seem to remember hearing of something called "Wide Eyed & Peggless" that featured Vo as DP's replacement.

A Brittunculus is not such a bad thing to be.
Amethyst (Jenny)
Did I just say that, out loud?
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Jenny. One breath of the sea..

« Reply #705 on: November 09, 2010, 04:11:01 PM »

Canny Capers at Bosworth 2005 - novelty value of seeing Vo Fletcher on mandolin, standing in for an absent Peggy.

Haha... brilliant.. that was a strange night.. we ended up having to light the band with torches as the power went off.. there was a choice of light or sound!!

It was sooo cold too.. that's me at the beginning with the blue and purple stripped blanket.

Goatyboy almost got to this gig...  Wink

Farnsfield Acoustic ... Notts
Thank you to everyone that has ever been to a FarnsAc gig, and to all our wonderful performers since 2005
Amethyst (Jenny)
Did I just say that, out loud?
Folkcorp Guru 3rd Dan
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Jenny. One breath of the sea..

« Reply #706 on: November 09, 2010, 04:11:53 PM »

Sorry Goaty.. we posted at the same time  Wink

Farnsfield Acoustic ... Notts
Thank you to everyone that has ever been to a FarnsAc gig, and to all our wonderful performers since 2005
H (Heather Smith)
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« Reply #707 on: November 09, 2010, 04:15:39 PM »

Canny Capers at Bosworth 2005 - novelty value of seeing Vo Fletcher on mandolin, standing in for an absent Peggy.

Haha... brilliant.. that was a strange night.. we ended up having to light the band with torches as the power went off.. there was a choice of light or sound!!

Had a similar experience at a beer festival recently  - The Alma Boobies were playing on stage, with a temporary Indian Takeaway set up next to it.  At one point the guitars lost all amp - resulting in the memorable request "Could you just try turning off that deep-fat fryer please mate, reckon we've hit tipping point.".  Yes, indeed we had hit the jenny's breaking point, and sound was restored at the cost of chips for the rest of the night.

There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes
A jig, a melodeon and a smile
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« Reply #708 on: November 20, 2010, 02:36:58 PM »

Sorry for posting in two places but I thought these two clips of FC on the European Acoustic Tour 2010 should be posted here as well.

Rising For The Moon

Who Knows Where The Time Goes
Big Dave
Virtual Giant
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« Reply #709 on: November 20, 2010, 04:00:27 PM »

Sorry Goaty.. we posted at the same time  Wink

Was that the day that Goaty got lost?  Grin Grin

Live life, live love, Live for FAIRPORT!!!!!!
Ewen the Navigator
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« Reply #710 on: November 20, 2010, 04:04:15 PM »

Sorry Goaty.. we posted at the same time  Wink

Was that the day that Goaty got lost?

 Angry I DIDN'T GET LOST! Angry

I was given duff info by some gits camping nearby Roll Eyes Grin

I could be the catalyst that sparks the revolution, I could be an inmate in a long-term institution ...
Amethyst (Jenny)
Did I just say that, out loud?
Folkcorp Guru 3rd Dan
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Jenny. One breath of the sea..

« Reply #711 on: November 23, 2010, 07:31:08 PM »

Sorry Goaty.. we posted at the same time  Wink

Was that the day that Goaty got lost?  Grin Grin

Yes BD.. it was...

Coat on.. hobbling away  Roll Eyes

Farnsfield Acoustic ... Notts
Thank you to everyone that has ever been to a FarnsAc gig, and to all our wonderful performers since 2005
A jig, a melodeon and a smile
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« Reply #712 on: December 11, 2010, 01:56:26 PM »

This is a strange one - Red and Gold from Birmingham Town Hall 1990.  The sound is very good but doesn't seem to match the picture.  I note also that Simon is wearing the same shirt as in some of the recent European Tour clips.  (I do like a man who keeps his clothes for twenty years or more - Katy's Dad has many such items in his wardrobe Wink)
A jig, a melodeon and a smile
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« Reply #713 on: December 11, 2010, 05:01:33 PM »

Oops!  Wrong link!  Use this one instead ...

Red and Gold
JJ (Joanna)
safely sewn on
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nice McTell I'm wearin!

« Reply #714 on: December 11, 2010, 07:12:10 PM »

Oops!  Wrong link!  Use this one instead ...

Red and Gold

My favourite Fairport line-up with Maart! Great version with Simon in good voice, Peggy with hair and Ric without a hat!  Grin

....may my love be your protector; and walk with you 'til next we meet
R.McTell - An Irish Blessing.
David (terrrrrrrr)
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« Reply #715 on: December 11, 2010, 08:46:33 PM »

Oops!  Wrong link!  Use this one instead ...

Red and Gold

Excellent. Thank you...

Time it was, and what a time it was
A time of innocence, A time of confidences
Long ago, it must be, I have a photograph
Preserve your memories; They're all that's left you.
I live in the wrong place - BEEEP !
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« Reply #716 on: December 11, 2010, 09:24:40 PM »

This is a strange one - Red and Gold from Birmingham Town Hall 1990.  The sound is very good but doesn't seem to match the picture.  I note also that Simon is wearing the same shirt as in some of the recent European Tour clips.  (I do like a man who keeps his clothes for twenty years or more - Katy's Dad has many such items in his wardrobe Wink)

No, it's slightly out of sync by just 0.1 s or so - well spotted.

I think it happened during editing - reducing picture size, converting to XviD (avi) and joining the two "halves"
( it came from two different VOB-files from a DVD, you see ), but I didn't think it a big problem, so I didn't
bother redoing the whole thing, as my old PC is rather slow for such "heavy" jobs.

Hmm, maybe he just bought a whole stack of those shirts back then?  Roll Eyes
The most amazing thing is that they still fit him Grin

Glad you like it  Cool

Don't know when we'll meet again ...
All I know is .... that we will.
Always one there is.
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« Reply #717 on: December 11, 2010, 09:41:55 PM »

Oops!  Wrong link!  Use this one instead ...

Red and Gold

My favourite Fairport line-up with Maart! Great version with Simon in good voice, Peggy with hair and Ric without a hat!  Grin

Only just though.  Wink

"Tradition must be respected, convention can be broken; but only when you know which is which."
A jig, a melodeon and a smile
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« Reply #718 on: December 11, 2010, 11:07:32 PM »

No, it's slightly out of sync by just 0.1 s or so - well spotted.

I think it happened during editing - reducing picture size, converting to XviD (avi) and joining the two "halves"
( it came from two different VOB-files from a DVD, you see ), but I didn't think it a big problem, so I didn't
bother redoing the whole thing, as my old PC is rather slow for such "heavy" jobs.

Thanks Henrik - great clip! Fez  I was a bit suspicious at first but am happy now that you have explained - not that I understand the detail but I get the general idea.
dooovall [Daniel]
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« Reply #719 on: December 26, 2010, 05:45:42 AM »

"Who Knows Where the Time Goes" live in 2010 by the current lineup of 10,000 Maniacs:
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